The official trailer for Pete Davidson’s upcoming comedy series has been released by Peacock, featuring a variety of everyday challenges that Davidson faces with his public image. The trailer runs for two minutes and showcases several famous guest stars, such as Charlie Day, Al Gore, and John Mulaney. The show is scheduled to premiere on May 4.
About Bupkis TV Show
"Bupkis" is a semi-autobiographical comedy series that follows Pete Davidson's journey to navigate his unique family dynamics and fame's complexities in his search for meaningful relationships. Along with an exceptional supporting cast, including Edie Falco and Joe Pesci, the show blends reality and absurdity to capture the essence of Pete Davidson. Co-written by Davidson, Judah Miller, and Dave Sirus, who also co-wrote "The King of Staten Island," the show is produced by a team of accomplished producers, including Miller serving as the showrunner.
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