HBO presents the captivating four-part true crime docuseries, “Burden of Proof,” directed by acclaimed filmmaker Cynthia Hill, known for her work on HBO’s “Private Violence.” The series premieres with the first two episodes on Tuesday, June 6, from 9:00-11:00 p.m. ET/PT on HBO, followed by the final two episodes on Wednesday, June 7. Viewers can also stream the entire series on HBO Max starting from Tuesday, June 6.
About Burden of Proof TV Show
In the HBO original four-part true crime docuseries "Burden of Proof," directed by Cynthia Hill, viewers are taken on a gripping journey. The series follows Stephen, the brother of missing teenager Jennifer Pandos. Years after Jennifer's disappearance, Stephen launches his own investigation, uncovering evidence that implicates his parents in the crime. As the truth slowly unravels, Stephen is faced with a challenging family dynamic and the devastating consequences of his pursuit for answers. With compelling storytelling and real-time revelations, "Burden of Proof" delves into the complexities of a long-standing mystery and the toll it takes on those seeking resolution.
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