Netflix is set to premiere The Burning Body miniseries on September 8, which is based on a real crime that occurred in 2017. The series, produced by Arcadia Motion Pictures, explores the events surrounding the discovery of a burned body in the Foix reservoir in Barcelona. Directed and executive produced by Jorge Torregrossa, and written by Laura Sarmiento, the show features Úrsula Corberó and Quim Gutiérrez as police officers Rosa and Albert. The Burning Body delves into a web of toxic relationships, deception, sexual scandals, and violence among Barcelona’s police force, all stemming from the investigation into the case of the burned police officer, Pedro.
About Burning Body TV Show
The Burning Body is a gripping crime drama miniseries set to premiere on Netflix. Inspired by a real-life incident that occurred in 2017, the story revolves around the shocking discovery of a burned body in the Foix reservoir in Barcelona. As the investigation unfolds, police officers Rosa and Albert, portrayed by Úrsula Corberó and Quim Gutiérrez, find themselves entangled in a complex web of toxic relationships, deceit, sexual scandals, and violence within the ranks of the Barcelona police force. This intense series, directed and executive produced by Jorge Torregrossa, explores the dark underbelly of the police department and unravels a captivating tale of crime, corruption, and the pursuit of justice. Prepare for a suspenseful journey as the truth behind The Burning Body is unveiled.
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