As a mysterious planet approaches Earth, impending extinction looms. While many embrace the freedom to pursue their desires, a reserved woman, perpetually uneasy, stands isolated amidst the hedonistic crowd. Check out the official trailer “Carol & The End of The World” trailer on Netflix. Today, Netflix revealed a guest cast lineup for the limited animated series, premiering December 15th.
About Carol & The End of The World TV Show
As a mysterious planet hurtles towards Earth, imminent extinction looms over humanity. In the face of impending doom, people embrace the freedom to pursue their wildest dreams. Amidst the hedonistic masses, one quiet and perennially uncomfortable woman, Carol, stands alone. Lost in the chaos, she navigates the impending end of the world, grappling with her own solitude. In the animated limited series "Carol & The End of The World," premiering on Netflix, viewers are invited to explore a unique narrative that combines elements of impending catastrophe, individual introspection, and the pursuit of desires in a world on the brink of extinction. The series promises to unravel a captivating story of human nature and survival against the backdrop of impending doom. Premiering on December 15th, "Carol & The End of The World" offers a thought-provoking and visually compelling experience for audiences.
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