Fox Nation is expanding its crime series lineup with “Crime Cam 24/7,” hosted by Sean “Sticks” Larkin. The streaming service, known for its true crime content, will premiere the show on July 7, featuring surveillance footage from crime scenes across the country. Larkin, known for his appearances on “Live PD” and hosting “On Patrol: Live,” will narrate the series, providing insights into the crimes and updates on the victims and prosecutions. The move aligns with Fox Nation’s success in the true crime genre, following the reboot of “Cops.” Fox Nation President, Jason Klarman, expressed enthusiasm for the show, while Larkin shared his excitement to continue sharing stories of law and order with the Fox audience.
About Crime Cam 24/7 TV Show
Sean "Sticks" Larkin on Fox Nation's "Crime Cam 24/7" as he delves into the captivating world of crime. This gripping series showcases surveillance footage from crime scenes across the country, revealing the inside stories and how cameras aid in catching criminals. Prepare for a thrilling journey into the realm of law and order. Premiering July 7.
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