“Culprits” begins where most crime tales conclude – after a high-stakes heist, where the skilled criminals part ways, aiming to escape their pasts. However, their worlds collide when a relentless assassin targets them individually. As they grapple with the haunting questions of who’s behind the mayhem and why they are being pursued, they must come together again to protect themselves and their loved ones.
Featuring a stellar cast including Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Gemma Arterton, Kirby, Niamh Algar, Kamel El Basha, Tara Abboud, Kevin Vidal, Ned Dennehy, and Eddie Izzard, this gripping eight-episode series promises intense action and suspense.
About Culprits TV Show
In the gripping crime drama series "Culprits," a team of elite criminals finds themselves hunted by a ruthless assassin after a high-stakes heist. As they scatter to escape their past lives, their paths collide when the relentless killer starts targeting them one by one. With their lives and the lives of their loved ones at stake, the culprits must reunite to confront the threat and protect what matters most. The series delves into the complexities of their pasts, the mystery behind the assassin's motives, and the adrenaline-fueled pursuit to outwit their relentless pursuer. Starring a stellar cast including Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Gemma Arterton, Kirby, Niamh Algar, Kamel El Basha, Tara Abboud, Kevin Vidal, Ned Dennehy, and Eddie Izzard, "Culprits" delivers intense action, suspense, and a roller-coaster of emotions as the characters fight for survival and redemption in this thrilling eight-episode journey.
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