Netflix released the official trailer for their upcoming high-intensity and gripping series, Emergency: NYC. The series focuses on trauma doctors and first responders and how they care for patients with life-threatening conditions. It premieres on the streaming service on Wednesday, March 29.
According to a press release from Netflix, the medical workers you will see on the docuseries are flight nurse Mackenzie Labonte, EMT Vicky Ulloa, pediatric surgery director Dr. Jose Prince, trauma transport nurse Donald Darby, neurosurgery chair Dr. David Langer, neurosurgery vice chair Dr. John Boockvar, paramedic Kristina McKoy, hospital chaplain Mark Daniels, ER physician Dr. Mirtha Macri, transplant surgeon Dr. Elliot Grodstein, transplant surgeon Dr. Ahmed Fahmy, pediatric trauma surgeon Dr. Chethan Sathya and transplant surgeon Dr. Lewis Teperman.
Emergency: NYC is from the creators of the documentary series Lenox Hill. Ruthie Shatz and Adi Barash are executive producers for the eight-part series. Yulari Films is the production company.
About Emergency: NYC TV Show
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, hospitals were overwhelmed by an influx of patients they oftentimes didn’t even have room for. As COVID-related emergencies lessened, however, trauma doctors were faced with a different wave of patients: those whose conditions worsened while they were stuck at home, and those who became victims of violent crimes, which increased after COVID restrictions were lifted. The high-intensity series Emergency NYC — from the creators of documentary series Lenox Hill — follows trauma doctors and first responders as they care for patients with life-threatening conditions. Lenox Hill fans will recognize Dr. Mirtha Macri, Dr. David Langer and Dr. John Boockvar, who are featured in both series.
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