After ex-soldier Maya witnesses her husband’s murder on a hidden nanny cam, she unravels a perilous conspiracy with roots in the distant past. Don’t miss the return of mystery maestro Harlan Coben with the gripping crime thriller “Fool Me Once,” starring Michelle Keegan, Adeel Akhtar, Joanna Lumley, and Richard Armitage. Premiering on January 1, it’s a tale of suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
About Fool Me Once TV Show
In the gripping crime thriller "Fool Me Once," ex-soldier Maya discovers her supposedly deceased husband on a nanny cam, unraveling a perilous conspiracy rooted in the shadows of the past. As she delves deeper, the suspense escalates, revealing a web of deceit that threatens to consume her. Starring Michelle Keegan, Adeel Akhtar, Joanna Lumley, and Richard Armitage, this mystery, brought to life by renowned author Harlan Coben, unfolds with tension and intrigue, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats. Streaming on Netflix from January 1.
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