The thrilling Netflix series “Furies,” a young woman seeks vengeance for her father’s death and becomes ensnared in the intricate web of the Fury, the peacekeeper of the Paris criminal underworld. As the delicate balance maintained by six influential families teeters, the Fury’s role in preserving order is challenged. Watch as alliances crumble, secrets unravel, and a relentless pursuit of justice unfolds. Explore the treacherous landscape of the Parisian underworld in “Furies,” now streaming on Netflix.
About Furies TV Show
In the gripping Netflix series "Furies," a young woman's quest for vengeance catapults her into the intricate world of the Paris criminal underworld. Entangled with the enigmatic Fury, the peacekeeper among six influential families, she unravels a tapestry of secrets, power struggles, and alliances. As the delicate balance teeters, the underworld faces unprecedented challenges, testing the Fury's ability to maintain order. With vengeance as the driving force, "Furies" explores the treacherous terrain where justice, revenge, and power collide, promising a riveting tale of intrigue and suspense.
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