Netflix series “House of Ninjas,” a retired ninja family is compelled to re-enter the shadows when faced with a series of looming threats. This dysfunctional clan, having abandoned their ninja identity after a past mission, must confront a crisis that shakes modern Japan. As they navigate the challenges of their formidable ninja lives, the series explores the mysterious and fearsome world of ninjas in a contemporary setting. Streaming from February 15, “House of Ninjas” promises an all-original story filled with action, intrigue, and the enduring legacy of a ninja family. Watch the official trailer on Netflix.
About House of Ninjas TV Show
"House of Ninjas," a retired ninja family, having long abandoned their formidable identities, is reluctantly drawn back into the shadowy world of espionage. Years after hanging up their weapons, they face a series of looming threats that demand their unique skills. As they grapple with their dysfunctional dynamics and the repercussions of a past mission, the family must confront a crisis that reverberates across modern Japan. This Netflix series weaves an all-original tale of action, intrigue, and the enduring legacy of a ninja family, promising a thrilling journey into the secret world of these ancient warriors. Streaming from February 15, "House of Ninjas" invites viewers to witness the resurgence of ninja prowess in a contemporary setting.
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