Netflix announces an upcoming Turkish series, “If Only,” premiering this October 28. It follows the story of Emma as she travels back ten years in the past. The creator of this romance series is renowned Turkish scriptwriter Ece Yörenç, and the cast features Megan Montaner (30 coins, La caza. Monteperdido) as Emma, Miquel Fernández (Alba, El Nudo) as Nando, and Michel Noher (The Unit, 100 días para enamorarse) as Rubén. Also, it stars Eduardo Lloveras (The One), Jael Pascual (45 rpm), and Bore Buika (Élite).
Irma Correa, who also worked on Alba, was in charge of adapting this tale of second chances for Netflix as a Boomerang production. The Queen of Flow director Liliana Bocanegra shot the series on locations in Seville, Madrid, and Paris.
About If Only TV Show
Emma is a 30-year-old woman who is disappointed with her ten-year marriage to Nando and her family life who feels that her life has lost its luster. Trapped in a routine without any romance or excitement, she realizes that if she could go back in time, she would not accept Nando's marriage proposal and decides she should divorce him. A couple of days later, while being on her way to see a rare lunar eclipse with her friends, a glitch in time sends her back 10 years earlier, to 2008. Her 30-year-old mind is trapped in her 20-year-old body. Life gives her a chance to reevaluate who she was and who she wants to become, with the distinct advantage of already knowing what the next decade holds for the world.
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