The seven-episode action-packed series, conceived by Rohit Shetty and co-directed by Rohit Shetty and Sushwanth Prakash, serves as a tribute to the unwavering dedication of Indian police officers. Titled “Indian Police Force,” this series is set to redefine the action genre in the streaming realm. Notably, it marks Shetty’s debut as a digital director. Headlined by Siddharth Malhotra in a refreshing cop role, the cast includes Shilpa Shetty Kundra, Vivek Oberoi, Shweta Tiwari, Nikitin Dheer, Rituraj Singh, Mukesh Rishi, and Lalit Parimoo in pivotal roles. The show proudly honors the selfless service, unwavering commitment, and fierce patriotism exhibited by Indian police officers nationwide who risk everything in the line of duty to ensure our safety.
About Indian Police Force TV Show
Indian Police Force" is a seven-part action-packed series, crafted by Rohit Shetty and co-directed by Sushwanth Prakash. Serving as a heartfelt tribute to the relentless commitment of Indian police officers, the show redefines the action genre in the digital space. Making his directorial debut on the digital platform, Rohit Shetty presents a spectacle featuring Siddharth Malhotra in a refreshing cop avatar, supported by an ensemble cast including Shilpa Shetty Kundra, Vivek Oberoi, Shweta Tiwari, Nikitin Dheer, Rituraj Singh, Mukesh Rishi, and Lalit Parimoo.
The narrative unfolds as a homage to the selfless service, unconditional commitment, and fierce patriotism exhibited by Indian police officers across the country. As they put everything on the line in their call of duty to keep the nation safe, the series dives deep into their challenges, sacrifices, and unwavering spirit. "Indian Police Force" promises a riveting blend of action and drama, capturing the essence of these real-life heroes who dedicate their lives to maintaining law and order. Experience the adrenaline and salute the bravery of Indian police officers, streaming exclusively on Prime Video India.
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