A series adaptation of the book Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu is coming on Hulu after it got a ten-episode order. It will have the same title and stars Jimmy O. Yang (Love Hard, Crazy Rich Asians) as Willis Wu. The series centers on Will becoming a witness to a crime, and he begins to unravel a criminal web in Chinatown. They are yet to reveal further information regarding its premiere date and other casts.
Executive producing are Dive, Participant, and Rideback. Rideback will have Dan Lin, Lindsey Liberatore, and Elsie Choi as EPs; Participant will have Jeff Skoll and Miura Kite as EPs, and Dive will have Garrett Basch as EP. Additionally, Taiki Waititi also executive produces Interior Chinatown.
About Interior Chinatown TV Show
“a background character stuck doing work in a police procedural called ‘Black & White’ who has no idea of his leading man status. When he inadvertently becomes a witness to a crime, Willis begins to unravel a criminal web in Chinatown, revealing certain family secrets and what it feels like to be in the spotlight.”
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