Created by Donovan Marsh, this action-packed thriller serves as a reboot of the “iNumber Number” franchise and will make its debut on the popular streaming platform Netflix on June 23. The film showcases iconic South African urban settings like Alexandra Township and Braamfontein, infusing the adrenaline-pumping narrative with the vibrant life and culture of the kasi (township) environment.
Adding to the project’s talent, versatile actor Israel Matseke Zulu is listed as an associate producer. Fans of the baddest buddy-cop duo, Chili and Shoes, have already been treated to a glimpse of the show through an exciting trailer. S’dumo Mtshali shared a teaser on his Instagram account, leaving viewers captivated and eagerly anticipating the series. Former “Isibaya” co-star Nomzamo Mbatha expressed her astonishment and admiration for the production in the comments section.
About iNumber Number: Jozi Gold TV Show
"iNumber Number: Jozi Gold" is a gripping reboot of the franchise, following the thrilling exploits of detectives Chili and Shoes as they battle organized crime on the streets of Johannesburg. Packed with high-octane action and set against iconic South African urban landscapes, this action thriller promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of suspense and excitement when it premieres on Netflix.
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