Corruption, avarice, and deceit unfold as a mysterious tycoon collaborates with a former Malaysian Prime Minister to engineer the nation’s most significant financial scandal. In 2015, leaked documents triggered a worldwide probe. The looming question: the whereabouts of Jho Low. Witness the aftermath of unprecedented theft and corruption in “Man On The Run,” premiering on Netflix, January 5, 2024.
About Man on the Run TV Show
"Man On The Run" exposes the dark world of corruption and betrayal as an enigmatic playboy businessman joins forces with a former Malaysian Prime Minister, orchestrating the largest financial scandal in the country's history. Leaked documents in 2015 spark a global investigation, leading to the central question: Where is Jho Low? This gripping documentary on Netflix, premiering January 5, 2024, delves into the aftermath of an unparalleled theft, unveiling the relentless pursuit of justice and the untangling of a complex web of deception.
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