Prepare for an enchanting supernatural romance as “My Demon” arrives on Netflix, where a fallen demon and a chaebol heiress form an unlikely alliance. This unique K-drama series promises a captivating blend of the supernatural and human worlds, exploring themes of identity, acceptance, and love. Don’t miss the enchanting journey, streaming exclusively on Netflix from November 24.
About My Demon TV Show
In "My Demon," the supernatural meets the high society as a formidable demon, Jeong Gu-won, suddenly loses his extraordinary powers. To reclaim what he's lost, he must form an unlikely alliance with Do Do-hee, a wealthy chaebol heiress. As they embark on this unusual journey, their paths intertwine, and an unexpected romance blossoms. Will love conquer the realms of the supernatural and the human world? Find out in this captivating tale of power, vulnerability, and love, streaming exclusively on Netflix starting November 24.
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