In the powerful Netflix film “My Name is Loh Kiwan,” the protagonist, having defected from North Korea, faces the arduous journey of seeking refugee status in Belgium. Amidst his struggles, he crosses paths with a despondent woman who has lost all hope. This evocative tale, set to premiere on March 1, unfolds as a poignant exploration of survival, resilience, and the human spirit in a foreign land. Watch the official teaser to glimpse into the emotional journey of Loh Kiwan, only on Netflix.
About My Name Is Loh Kiwan TV Show
In the poignant Netflix film "My Name is Loh Kiwan," a defector from North Korea, Loh Kiwan, grapples with the challenges of seeking refugee status in Belgium. Amidst his struggles, he encounters a despondent woman who has lost all hope. Set against the backdrop of survival and resilience, the film, premiering on March 1, unfolds as an emotional exploration of the human spirit in a foreign land. Witness the evocative journey of Loh Kiwan as he navigates the complexities of hope and survival, only on Netflix.
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