Netflix announced an upcoming anime series this 2023, Ōoku: The Inner Chambers, during the Anime Japan convention in Tokyo. It is an adaptation of the historical anime manga series of the same name, written and illustrated by Fumi Yoshinaga.
The series tells the story of Edo-period Japan when a mysterious new illness known as the Redface Pox started to target men, causing the male population to be only 25% of the total female population. The voice cast includes Mamoru Miyano, Eriko Matsui, Yuki Kaji, Kikuko Inoue, Jun Fukuyama, Tomokazu Seki, Miyuki Satou, Sanae Kobayashi, and Hitoshi Kubota.
Studio Deen produces Ōoku: The Inner Chambers. Abe Noriyuki serves as the director.
About Ōoku: The Inner Chambers TV Show
"In Edo period Japan (1603 to 1868), a strange new disease called the Redface Pox has begun to prey on the country’s men. Within eighty years of the first outbreak, the male population has fallen to a quarter of the total female population. Women have taken on all the roles traditionally granted to men, even that of the Shogun. The men, precious providers of life, are carefully protected and the most beautiful of the men are sent to serve in the Shogun’s Inner Chambers."
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