Capturing the essence of camaraderie and diligence, the beloved manga from the late ’90s and early 2000s, “Rising Impact,” is set for its debut anime adaptation on Netflix. The first season will premiere in June 2024, followed by Season 2 in August. The manga’s charm lies in its portrayal of friendship and hard work. The anime follows Gawain Nanaumi, a baseball-loving third-grader, whose encounter with professional golfer Kiria Nishino reveals the potential of golf. With remarkable physical strength and keen observation skills, Gawain’s journey unfolds at Camelot Academy, a prestigious golf school. Despite facing formidable rivals, he aspires to become the world’s best professional golfer. The anime, a testament to the manga’s enduring legacy, brings Nakaba Suzuki’s debut work to life on Netflix with meticulous detail, outstanding artwork, direction, and impeccable voice performances. Suzuki expresses gratitude for the extraordinary love poured into the project after 25 years.
About Rising Impact TV Show
In "Rising Impact," Gawain Nanaumi, a third-grader with a passion for baseball, discovers his talent for golf. Guided by professional golfer Kiria Nishino, Gawain enters Camelot Academy to pursue his dream of becoming the world's best golfer. Faced with formidable rivals, he relies on his strength, keen observation, and determination to overcome challenges. The anime, based on Nakaba Suzuki's beloved manga, captures the essence of friendship, hard work, and the pursuit of excellence. Premiering on Netflix in June 2024, it promises an engaging sports narrative with outstanding visuals and performances.
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