Hansal Mehta’s crime drama series, “Scoop,” is set to premiere on Netflix on June 2, 2023. Starring Karishma Tanna, Prosenjit Chatterjee, and Harman Baweja, the show follows Jagruti, a journalist caught in a web of police, underworld, and media. Inspired by real events and journalist Jigna Vora’s memoir, the series marks the collaboration between Mehta, Netflix, and Matchbox Shots. It explores the consequences of ambition and the high-stakes world of crime reporting. Produced by Matchbox Shots, “Scoop” promises a captivating narrative.
About Scoop TV Show
In the upcoming crime drama series "Scoop," journalist Jagruti finds herself caught in a web of intrigue involving the police, the underworld, and the media. Inspired by real events and based on journalist Jigna Vora's memoir, the show explores the consequences of a single phone call that sets off a chain of events. As society rushes to judgment, Jagruti must navigate the high-stakes world of crime reporting. Premiering on Netflix, "Scoop" promises a gripping and powerful story that delves into the unexpected costs of ambition and the complexities of truth in the media landscape.
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