Netflix has announced the release date and details for the highly-anticipated animated series, which is loosely based on the film Kong: Skull Island from 2017. The show, titled Skull Island, follows a group of explorers who unintentionally find themselves on a dangerous island while rescuing a woman named Annie. The star-studded voice cast includes Mae Whitman as Annie, Darren Barnet as Mike, Benjamin Bratt as Cap, and Betty Gilpin as Irene. Created and written by Brian Duffield, the series is executive produced by Duffield and features animation by Powerhouse Animation Studios. Kong: Skull Island is set to premiere on June 22.
About Skull Island TV Show
In the animated series "Skull Island," a group of explorers embarks on a daring mission to rescue a woman named Annie. However, their heroic act leads them to the treacherous island, where they encounter monstrous creatures, including the legendary titan, King Kong. This thrilling adventure unfolds in a world loosely inspired by the film Kong: Skull Island, as the explorers navigate the perils of the island and uncover its dark secrets. Prepare for an action-packed journey filled with danger, suspense, and the awe-inspiring presence of Kong himself.
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