The Fabulous, a new original K-Drama series starring SHINee’s Choi Minho (Medical Top Team) and Chae Soo Bin (Where Stars Land), is coming on the streaming platform. After a long wait, the teaser is already here, and it gives you a sneak peek at the events that will take place in the series. The short clip shows models, camera flashes, and a lot of partying. This romantic series will have eight episodes and will premiere this Friday, November 4, and you can watch it on your favorite digital devices.
It follows the story of people who have dedicated their lives to the fashion industry and battle to survive there. Kim Min Kyu (Business Proposal) also plays one of the lead roles in the series. The cast includes Byun Jun Seo, Lee Mi Do, Kwon Hae Sung, and Ye Seon Ho. Kim Jung Hyun serves as the director of The Fabulous.
About The Fabulous TV Show
Four best friends chase their dreams alongside fashion’s elite while juggling demanding jobs, romantic dilemmas and wild nights on the town.
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