Hulu ordered an eight-episode series for Under The Bridge, an adaptation of the book of the same name by Rebecca Godfrey. It focuses on the story that happened in 1997 about a 14-year-old Canadian teenager Reena Virk who left home to attend a party with friends but never got back. Seven adolescent girls and a boy were charged with brutal murder.
The executive producer and the person responsible for adapting the novel for the series is Quinn Shephard (Blame and Not Okay). Geeta Patel (known for directing HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon’s first season, The Great, P-Valley, and Santa Clarita Diet) got the director and executive producer roles. Co-showrunners and executive producers will be Samir Mehta and Liz Tigelaar, with Tigelaar producing under her Best Day Ever banner.
Under The Bridge joins the upcoming true-crime series slate on Hulu, with Welcome to Chippendales coming this November 22.
About Under The Bridge TV Show
“the 1997 true story of fourteen-year-old Reena Virk who went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Godfrey takes us into the hidden world of the seven teenage girls and a boy accused of the savage murder, revealing startling truths about the unlikely killer.”
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